Saturday, July 5, 2008

What are all the drawbacks of young India???

What are the ideas to overcome these drawbacks???????????????

how to implement these ideas in practical sense?????????????

These all are the very broad questions, which are revolving around my head now and then in my daily life.

So i would like share my viewpoint about these questions.

1. Drawbacks.
This is a pretty much broader word. So, i will give some points which i like to change.
The first one is the voting system i.e the manner in which the voding day is conducted, which is the very basic thing that should be corrected....
The second one is the poltical system, which is again a very broader topic, so again few points, The politician's age, how can we think we can get motivated by a non-energytic person. Then the political party registration, anybody with a group of 5 going with a party symbol and registering them as a party, what the hell is this.
Another which i could not take is that, these politician who are mere votebank holders ordering the highly qualified indian administration people. There must be some balance between the two.
to be contd......................

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